Tuesday Schedule
Shalshelet haKabbalah: A Lineage of Innovation
שלשלת הקבלה
Shalshelet haKabbalah: A Lineage of Innovation
שלשלת הקבלה
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Monday Schedule
Wednesday Schedule
Conference PDF Schedule to Download (PDF)
Time |
Tuesday Morning |
Location |
7:45am - 6:30pm 7:45am - 7:30pm |
Registration/Informational Materials Memorial Room |
Lakewood pre-function Red Rocks |
7 am - 8:15 am |
Breakfast OHALAH Cantors Breakfast |
City Lights Genesee |
8:15 am - 9:10 am |
Shacharit: Rabbi Shawn Zevit Hashpa'atic Davennen Shacharit: Hazzan Shayndal Adler Sound Healing |
Golden/Bergen Park Mount Vernon |
9:10am - 10:50am |
Integral Halakah Panel: We Honour Our Ba’al Tikkun/Master of Repair, Rabbi Daniel Siegel, for His 50 Years of Sacred Service |
Golden/Bergen Park |
10:50am - 11:00 am |
Break |
--- |
11:00am - 12:30pm |
WORKSHOPS: Concurrent Sessions 1. Rethinking Hilchot Lashon Hara for the #MeToo era: Rabbi Jeremy Sher 2. Jewish Guide to Caring for the Caregiver- Rabbi Deni Deutsch Marshall 3. Reshape American Jewry as a Spiritually Rooted, Liturgically Flowering Activist Movement for Eco/Social Justice- Rabbi Arthur Waskow 4. SpeakChorus Torah Flash Mob Community Midrash- Rabbi Melissa Wenig w/ Hazzan Abbe Lyons |
1. Mount Vernon 2. Green Mountain 3. Union Square 4. Lookout Mountain |
12:30pm - 1:45pm 12:30pm - 2pm |
LUNCH Last day for shuk Shopping! |
City Lights Morrison |
12:30pm - 1:45pm |
Tikkun Olam Sharing Circle- Rabbi Jeremy Sher |
Genesee |
Time |
Tuesday Afternoon |
Location |
2:00pm - 3:15pm |
WORKSHOPS: Concurrent Sessions 1. Extending the Chain of Tradition via Writing as Personal Expression- Rabbi Ken Rosenstein w/ The OHALAH Writers Group 2. What does 'The Niggun of Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev' say to us?- Rabbi and Spiritual Director Chaya Gusfield 3. Money: Torah’s Competing Theories- Rabbi Laura Duhan-Kaplan 4. Your Eyes Shall See Your Teachers: Exploring Kaddish d'Rabbanan- Rabbi Sherril Gilbert, w/ Rabbi Schachar Orenstein, Rabbi Andrea D. Lobel |
1. Mount Vernon 2. Green Mountain 3. Golden/Bergen Park 4. Genesee |
3:15pm - 3:45pm |
Snack |
--- |
3:45pm - 5:10pm |
WORKSHOPS: Concurrent Sessions 1. While My Guitar Gently Davens- Hazzan Steve Klaper 2. Falafel Kabbalah- Rabbi Rueben Modek 3. Refining Ourselves as Instruments for Blessings Baal Bracha- Chaplain, Maggid Leon Olenick w/ Baal Bracha Barry Barken 4. Back to the Future: Reexamining the Emergence of Chavurat Shalom for Perspective on the Future of Jewish Renewal w/ Rabbi Jeff Foust |
1. Mount Vernon 2. Genesee 3. Green Mountain 4. Lookout Mountain |
5:15pm - 5:45pm |
Mincha: Hazzan Cindy Freedman, Cantor Sharon McCord & Rabbi Jessica Shimberg |
Golden/Bergen Park |
Time |
Tuesday Evening |
Location |
5:45pm - 7:00pm |
Dinner |
City Lights |
7:00pm - 8:30pm |
Plenary Panel: Healing and Innovating in Israel/Palestine by the Tikkun Olam Committee |
Golden/Bergen Park |
8:30pm - 10pm |
Maariv: Hazzan Abbe Lyons, Rabbi Emily Stern and Rabbi Jan Salzman, Hazzan Diana Brewer Closing Circle |
Golden/Bergen Park |
10pm - ?? |
Schmoozing, music and singing |
Foyer |
Schedules and times are subject to change; please check back as you plan your conference experience.